Monday, October 30, 2006


I went into the Doctor this morning as a walk in, for an EKG for these chest pains. I was told this would be a quick process. It might have been, had it not been for the wait in the lobby, the time it took for the nurse to actually get me hooked up, the x-rays, the review with the Dr. and then getting an appointment set up with a Cardiologist for a treadmill test.
The EKG did not really show anything, but because the Doctor cannot pinpoint the problem of pain in the upper left side of my Chest, it's going one step further, for another test tomorrow.
Until tomorrow post!


Sunday, October 29, 2006


Wow, Sunday morning already, time goes by quick. Seems I didn't get anything done Saturday except some electrical work at my sisters, then some reading and studying. Today will be much of the same, as far as reading & research go, as I move forward on this sales copy.
Monday, I'll go for a walk in, for an EKG, seems I forgot to ask for that, when I was in for a complete physical earlier this month. The chest pains I've been having, are similar to what another guy at work had, when he had a stroke. Typical male syndrome, put things off till the last minute. If they don't find anything wrong tomorrow, then I have two more exams to go through at the end of November. A upper GI, and a Colonoscopy, something everyone at my age should be going through. I pray that those test come out clean, If they do, then I know the pains are from old age, lack of exercise, and being 20 pounds overweight.
Until tomorrow nights post:


Friday, October 27, 2006


What a day, both at work, and once I got home. With a full schedule ahead me after leaving work, I had no time to waste. I got home and gathered the tools and supplies I needed to do the electrical work at my older sister's new house, and then proceded to top off and treat the hot tub, get some of the leaves picked up in the back yard, and I was out the door. What I thought was going to be a quick job, turned out to be a few hours, and I never got finished with it. I still needed to help move a sofa and coffee table, and I am thankful I had Rick give me hand on the workload. Tomorrow I'll go back and finish the electrical, and with what is left, it should take no more than two hours. That will leave the rest of the weekend to work on my slaes copy, and try to get caught up. Tonight, I'm kicking back in the hot tub for an hour, and relaxing.
Hope everyone enjoys their evening, I will.


Thursday, October 26, 2006


I did not have the energy to get a post done last night, after a great 2 hour coaching call, and about 45 minutes in the hot tub, I decided to hit the sack. To learn more about IMC's products and mentoring program, you can go to If your going to do something, learn from the right group, and do it the right way. It may cost more, but in the long run, you'll save more, and learn more.
Today I was just physically drained, and tired, for no apparent reason. So after working on our LOTO program with the safety consultant, I came home and slept for 2 hours.
I feel somewhat refreshed, and have gotten caught up on the dish's and the laundry.
Tomorrow night, I'll get some work done at my sisters new house, and that will free up the rest of my weekend, to try and get this sales copy written, and some competitive analysis done.
Always remember to check out the as Chris is great about getting his written eveyday. For the Holiday Season, don't forget to go to
Until the next post!


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tuesday - Not Done

well, I have not started my analysis, for competitive research yet. I have been on the phone to family members, for other situations. Your faith in God, should come first, then your family, your job, and everything else after that. Follow your faith, and everything else will fall in place.
I am behind, but I have faith, I am going in the right direction, with what I touch.
This evening has also been tasked with trying to get ahold of previous climbers for info.
If your looking for a present to give for the Holidays, go to
Next post: tomorrow night - after my coaching call...

Monday, October 23, 2006


It's late Monday, and I have yet to get started on the Analysis Research. Which I believe is imperative, before getting started on writing a sales copy or ( USP ) Unique Selling Proposition, for the E-book, and web page I am working on.
I was forty five minutes into a two hour meeting this afternoon, when I left before 3 pm.
My stomache and chest were bothering me so much, I thought it best to just get home and rest.
My mistake was when I went in for my physical earlier this month, I never asked for an EKG.
So there is another one to add to the list. I go back in later this week, for more blood work, to see if that has lowered the elevated results from the first test. If the elavations were not lowered, it's on to another speacialist. Damn, and I won't be 50 for another month yet.
It's funny, I always said life begins at 50, more so, if you have your health! And here I am, going through all of these health issues, slowing me down. With any luck, I can get started on some of the competitive analysis tomorrow after work. Even so, it will be only a dent, in a 50 to 60 hour process.
I'm hitting the sack! Until the next post...


Sunday, October 22, 2006


Well, the ( content/features/benifits ) part has been written up, for the E-book I'm working on, sent to the coach for review. I still need to work on the competitive analysis. As they say, to know your competitors, is to know your market. Had I not been ill, for so many weeks, this would have been done. Now it is a matter of having done by Tuesday night, and sent to the coach. On Wednesday, if everything is in place, we start on writing a sales copy, for what I am creating.
In the mean time, while I am busy, take a look at a Chris's web site
or the site that has not had any traffic in 60 days
Until the next post, have a great day!


Saturday, October 21, 2006


Well, the coaching call I had Wednesday night was both positive, and uplifting, and I am pushing forward to get back on track. Over the next 8 weeks, I'll be creating an E-book on rock climbing. So this evening, I am trying to wrap up the content/context/chapters, with the benifits and features of what will be in the book. On our converstation Wednesday, the coach thought this should only take an hour or two. It seems to be more in depth than that, or I am just making more work out of it. But it seems wise to me, to take it from the beginning of when I started to learn how to climb, to the point where I ended up on the Nose of El Cap, in Yosemitie.
So it will go from learning how to climb, to advanced climbing, to the joys and perils.
I am fortunate to have many, that I have climbed with over the years, to refresh my memory, and grasp photos that I do not have. So this will be another intersting challenge, and I am looking forward to it. I only desire that it comes out perfect, and is profitable.
Now I need to get back to work.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006


RUT Know what it means? The dictionary says: groove, track - as made by wheeels, a fixed, routine procedure, course of action.
A RUT EFFECTS EVERYONE: My Acronym analysis: Running Under Thunder
Everyone understands running, & Under, - Thunder is the sound, following lightning,
Hence, get your ass moving, before you get struck. In other words change your routine, or course of action. You may wonder why I am writing about this! Well, after being sick, under the weather, and still behind schedule, I am in a RUT. It sucks! And it is hard to get out of a Rut, coming out of the Flu, and bad health. Although it is easier, than those I know who like to gamble, and drink. Most people drink, because they think it is relaxing and fun, most people gamble, for the lure of hitting it big, both are wrong concepts, and a desease. It effects some worse than others, and most will not admit it. I know some people coming back from vegas, I am sure the drinking was a good time for all of them, as they would say it was. But what a waste of time, and a waste of money. I think one person lost 6k, now there is a RUT, not to mention what the rest of them lost. Hearing this, I know my hole is not as deep a rut, to dig out of as theirs. Does it make me feel better? Well, I'm glad I was not there drinking or loosing money with them, but I also wish I was not six weeks behind. A Rut is a Rut, dig out of it! Needless to say, I rarely gamble, and have no desires for bars. I leave that up to my good friends, who think they are having a good time, while they are loosing money, and listen to their RUTs, afterwords.

I'm hitting the sack


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Coaching Call

Well, I was supposed to have a coaching call at 5:00 pm my time, but here it is 6:15 pm and my coach never called. It was supposed to be over product development. Granted I was supposed to have assignments in, kind of hard to do when your sick. But when a call is scheduled, one party or the other should call, or leave an email! For All I know, the coach may be sick as well.
I just have concerns over being behind, and the dollars spent. I guess that will be our next conversation, or my email sent. I really hate to loose out on the education that they have to offer. I'm hitting the sack! Until the next post.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Here it is Tuesday, One turn gets another

Well, it has been over a week since I went off of the Nexium. I have to say the headaches are gone, eye strain has not been bad, but I have not yet filled the new prescription for glasses.
Sinusis are so, so, and I still have a cough, with a lump in my throat.
My stomach, has went way south, and energy level has been down hill. So after work I have spent most of my time in bed. Saturday and Sunday were the best days, as I got caught up on a few things, just not my assignments. Now it seems I have heel spur on my left heel, that with a bad right knee, you can understand walking, is not only painful, but sucks.
So, this is just a quick informative post, I'm headin back to bed...


Saturday, October 07, 2006


Well, after being sick for many weeks, and just eating, working, doing laundry, and sleeping, today I started moving froward. I got the leaves raked, yard mowed, 7 loads of laundry, hot tub emptied, cleaned, moved closer to the back door for winter, refilled, and I am waiting to jump into that it, to finish my night. This frees my time up tomorrow, to do the competition research that I have been behind on, and then do grocery shoping tomorrow, before the new week starts.
This should aslo give me time all week to keep up the research, and next weekend, I'll start on the windows, cleaning inside and out, before they are closed up for the winter.
A maid, or the right female roomate, would work out nicely here. But then, I do not want to give up my solitude, and freedom. Until the next post....

Friday, October 06, 2006


Damn, five weeks of bad health with the Flu and everything else, is like climbing out of hell.
But my mind is getting back in shape, not that I had one, and my health is getting better.
From the Chiropracter: he made a few adjustments, could not explain the headaches!
From the Annual Physical: everything was good, but the blood pressure was very high, and the prostate levels were high. So he put me on antibiotics for 2 weeks, at the end of the month, I go back to see what the levels are. If they are still high, I go in to a Urologist. He could not explain the headaches, but offered accupuncture for a cure. Chest X-rays showed scaring, thay are being sent to a radioligist, for exam. This does not suprise me, as I have been told I have had emphazyma for years.
From the Eye Exam: He changed my bi-focal prescription, but said it had no bearing on the headaches. Asked if I had any other appoinments set up? Ie: Neurologist! I said not yet!
Then after laying in bed all weekend: I hear this infomercial on Nexium - side affects- headaches- I have been on this for over three months, the time that the headaces were getting worse. Last Monday, I quit taking Nexium. My stomache still bothers me, But I only took four tylenol that day. I have not taken a Tylenol since, nor have I had the headaches. And I was up to about 20 Tylenol a day.
Now it is time to get back to the research that I was doing, before I got in rut, with the headaches and the Flu. Expect regular Post!!!!!! Glad to be back, sorry for the delay...!
