The Front page software arrived today, I'm waiting for the tutorial for that, that I ordered this weekend. Today I ordered Adobe photoshop 5.0 - premeire 3.0 this will be the software I need to edit the how to videos, then I ordered a 300 GB external drive for storage, seems the last video I took was 2 GB, for 20 minutes, and I have several more to get done. I've yet to order
Cover Pro, which is 3D software , for Ebook covers, and other things. So my plate is always full, And I hope to pull a few videos off this weekend while the weather 40 degrees. This will depend on if I can pull a few other climbers in to help, if not, I have plenty of studying & tutorials to do, not to mention, additions to the sales copy.
So, till the next post, Gimp was heerrrreee & gone....
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