Saturday, November 25, 2006


An old Climbing friend stopped in for a visit today, although it was short, it is always good to see old friends. John was back from Washington State. It would have been great to climb with him today, and get a video of it, but time did not permit it. Instead we went over old times of camping, and climbing, and I was able to pick out 28 of the many photos that the had brought back, from when he and I climbed in 94 & 95. It was good to scan those, and put them on a DVD. Those five hours went by quickly, and we were still able to catch lunch at the Metro Buffet. Thanks John, for picking up the tab, Rick or I should have picked it up. I had to leave for an invitation to a pre wedding meet in Iowa City, my nephew is getting married in September of next year, that was a good time to meet everyone. Now I am back at trying to get caught up,
HTML tutorials, Frontpage tutorials, a climbing video tomorrow, the task's go on...
Keep your fingers crossed, I need help on tomorrows task.
Until the next post..... Don't forget to view Brother Chris's Blog



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