Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Sorry for the late post, I was to tired yesterday. I got home shortly after 3:00, hit the sack, and slept till 10:30, got up for some water, and hit the sack again. The treadmill test at the Cardiologist did not come up with anything, and going through it, my chest did not hurt.
But the treadmill test about killed me! Tells me I am way out of shape! My chest did not start bothering me until after I got out of hospital. Then tonight, my family physcian's office called, they want to do a cat scan on my chest. It appears there are things that showed up Monday, on the x-rays, that did not show up, when I had my complet physical. Life is a gamble, if your healthy or not. I spoke with a person the other day who is only 35, never drank, and does not smoke. He had been in for several of the same test, and they never found anything, until they did an angioplasty, only to find out he had a widow maker, lucky they caught it at that time!
For me, I'll keep kicking till the good lord says he wants me home. In the mean time, with out sounding morbid, I guess now is a good time to get a will, living will, and baptism, completed.
Family physcian's office just called back, I go in for the Cat Scan Friday morning, they should have the results back by monday. Won't this be interesting?
Until the next post!



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