Sunday, October 29, 2006


Wow, Sunday morning already, time goes by quick. Seems I didn't get anything done Saturday except some electrical work at my sisters, then some reading and studying. Today will be much of the same, as far as reading & research go, as I move forward on this sales copy.
Monday, I'll go for a walk in, for an EKG, seems I forgot to ask for that, when I was in for a complete physical earlier this month. The chest pains I've been having, are similar to what another guy at work had, when he had a stroke. Typical male syndrome, put things off till the last minute. If they don't find anything wrong tomorrow, then I have two more exams to go through at the end of November. A upper GI, and a Colonoscopy, something everyone at my age should be going through. I pray that those test come out clean, If they do, then I know the pains are from old age, lack of exercise, and being 20 pounds overweight.
Until tomorrow nights post:



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