Saturday, October 07, 2006


Well, after being sick for many weeks, and just eating, working, doing laundry, and sleeping, today I started moving froward. I got the leaves raked, yard mowed, 7 loads of laundry, hot tub emptied, cleaned, moved closer to the back door for winter, refilled, and I am waiting to jump into that it, to finish my night. This frees my time up tomorrow, to do the competition research that I have been behind on, and then do grocery shoping tomorrow, before the new week starts.
This should aslo give me time all week to keep up the research, and next weekend, I'll start on the windows, cleaning inside and out, before they are closed up for the winter.
A maid, or the right female roomate, would work out nicely here. But then, I do not want to give up my solitude, and freedom. Until the next post....


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