Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Cat Has Gone

Damn, he knows better than that. I had him declawed eailier this year. Normally, I'll sit outside with him for a while, and then come in on the computer, while he sleeps in the chair.
As I did tonight! But when I went back out, he was no where to be seen. Back yard, sides, or front. Last time he was in the neioghbors yard, crawled under their fence. I hollered up one side, and down the other at him. Who knows, he may show up yet! It's disheartening, because I had a little female, who passed away in January, with Feline Lukemia, she was only 5, and it broke my heart! She followed me everywhere, like she was my child. She was the joy of home, my life. Maybe at some point, I'll post a photo of both. In the meantime, I'll do one more search, and hit the sack. Still behind schedule, and the work load is getting bigger at work, as it is in my asignments. All I can do is sigh, and keep moving forward. Until tomorrow.



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