Friday, August 25, 2006 Drawing Winner

Lori Hahn, was the winner from the drawing off of
She is donating the winnings to the Road Home K-9 Rescue endowment fund,
which does Collie rescue.

Congratulations Lori, for entering the drawing, and winning.


Blogger cwilcox said...

Congratulations Lori Hahn! Is that Lori Hahn of http://www.hahnathome fame? It looks as if she linked back to your page on her blog! Keep twisting the throttle through that learning curve brother. I look forward to the day when I can say, "I knew Gimp when..."

8:11 AM  
Blogger Shiffty's Gimp said...

You won't be saying "I knew gimp when...." we'll both be rolling down the highways and byways, the
coastlines, and mountain passes.
With nothing more than laptops, generating money.

3:55 PM  
Blogger Me. Here. Right now. said...

Hey Steve, Thanks very much for your generous donation to the Road Home K-9 Rescue. I'm happy to link to your blog and hope everyone will check out my website at

Blue skies and green lights, as someone I know always says!

9:55 PM  

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