But my mind is getting back in shape, not that I had one, and my health is getting better.
From the Chiropracter: he made a few adjustments, could not explain the headaches!
From the Annual Physical: everything was good, but the blood pressure was very high, and the prostate levels were high. So he put me on antibiotics for 2 weeks, at the end of the month, I go back to see what the levels are. If they are still high, I go in to a Urologist. He could not explain the headaches, but offered accupuncture for a cure. Chest X-rays showed scaring, thay are being sent to a radioligist, for exam. This does not suprise me, as I have been told I have had emphazyma for years.
From the Eye Exam: He changed my bi-focal prescription, but said it had no bearing on the headaches. Asked if I had any other appoinments set up? Ie: Neurologist! I said not yet!
Then after laying in bed all weekend: I hear this infomercial on Nexium - side affects- headaches- I have been on this for over three months, the time that the headaces were getting worse. Last Monday, I quit taking Nexium. My stomache still bothers me, But I only took four tylenol that day. I have not taken a Tylenol since, nor have I had the headaches. And I was up to about 20 Tylenol a day.
Now it is time to get back to the research that I was doing, before I got in rut, with the headaches and the Flu. Expect regular Post!!!!!! Glad to be back, sorry for the delay...!
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