Sorry For The Delayed Post
The sales copy was revamped by my coach last Wednesday, and he did a great job!
All the more reason to learn from a mentor, who has been down the road, and is successful.
I still have some things to add to it, and then get the e-book written, but I am moving forward.
I met with an old climbing friend last Friday evening, and explained what I was doing, were to meet again this Friday to go over more detail. Saturday I raked all day, and mowed twice, 20 bags of leaf's and grass, not to mentioned my large yardie being full. Sunday was a day of rest, my body hurt like hell. I did at least get grocery shopping, laundry, and dishes done.
Monday was a day of vacation, and I spent my time digging through hundreds of photos, from the time I first startred climbing, until my last photos that I took. What a task, and then to go through the best of the best, which got me down to about 160 photos. Now I needed to get them scanned, and put on a cd, so I could pul a few from those, and add them, not only to the sales copy, but the new web site as well. Thats where I'm at on this Monday evening, the next coaching call that I was to have this Wednesday evening, has been moved out to next Monday the 20th, I'm pushing to have the sales copy about completed by then... Keep your fingers crossed for me... Until the next post, have a great day!
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