Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Twas the night before Thanksgiving

And all through the house, not a peep, not a sound, not even a mouse!
With five days of rest, Ill try at my best, to keep up on top, of the time
I have left. The cleaning, the gatherings, the social events,
the studying, and meetings, nothing should be left. With hectic schedules,
and worrisome times, may your families be blessed, as I bless mine.
I wish a Happy Thanksgiving this season, to All.
Be safe, happy, comfortable, and enjoy the time with your families.... God Bless.



Blogger cwilcox said...

Brother Steve! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I followed the link to the new rock climbing site. I can't wait to see that once it is off the ground. Peace my brother.

9:33 AM  
Blogger Shiffty's Gimp said...

I think it will be pretty cool.
But damn, what a long ways to go, I have not yet written the Ebook, I am having problems getting thumbnails transfered to the sales copy, I don't have all the testimonials in, and it is getting late to complete the video tutorials for climbing. On top of all that, I'm trying to move through online tutorials for HTML and front page. What a learning process.

Brother Gimp

9:09 AM  

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