Friday, September 29, 2006


I left work at noon, came home and went to bed. I'll repost tomorrow.....

Monday, September 25, 2006


Todays Chiropractor Dr. visit did not suprise me, my sinus's went to hell, along with everything else this morning, and when he said you sinus'a are bad, I smirked, already new that. My repsonse was, I have a family doctor visit tomorrow, and an eye exam Wednesday. He just said that was good. I'm at the point pushing 50, I need all of these exams. I'm hitting the sac. as I have responded to my coach for he has not gotten back with me on being ill. I was supposed to have a call tomorrow evening, and they are not cheap, your to have your assignemnts done, hence, I am no better than a few weeks ago, from being ill. you can understand my lack of post, and concerns. Hitting the sac..... another Dr. Appt. tomorow morning...

Saturday, September 23, 2006

What Is Normal

I spent most of my day in bed, as I do after work. Seems laying down takes care of the headaches, and eye strain for the moments. I did make it to wallmart today, to pick up a
new office phone, with a celular atthacment, for the bedroom. And things seem to be working
well for the moment, for what I have tried. I am still behind schedule on assignements, but hope to catch up on those tomorrow, and get those emailed to the coach....
I'll keep posting when I can...


Friday, September 22, 2006

Somebody shoot me

I hate being in this position, normally I am a go getter, over achiever. But this being under the weather with health, medical problems, suck! I am so far behind, on personal projects, it is costing me an arm and a leg. At work, at least we got some of the enviromental/health/safety documents done, while my boss was back. I have many doctor Appt.s newxt week, Chiropractor Monday, family physican Tuesday, Eye exam Wednesday, I just want a resolution to these headaches, and stomache problems, along with the light headedness- dizziness.
I'm not a physcian, so we'll see what there opinion is.
I'm going back to bed, I'll keep you posted!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Family alawys come's first, but when your ill, your ill! Toppel that with work assignments, your still sick, moving through assignments, is a task! I'm trying to get back on schedule, so give me some slack! I have many doctor apppt.'s for next week, so keep in touch.... sorry for the delay!


Thursday, September 07, 2006

The cat has been back

Sorry for the late post, I am swaped! Work, my projects, a cat, life goes on! But I am stll moving forward. Stay posted! I'll keep in touch. For political views see We may not always agree, but it is best, to agree, to dis-agree, and have a formal ground, like most christian do in situations. and not all Christians have a formal ground, or aggrement.

gotta go!


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Cat Has Gone

Damn, he knows better than that. I had him declawed eailier this year. Normally, I'll sit outside with him for a while, and then come in on the computer, while he sleeps in the chair.
As I did tonight! But when I went back out, he was no where to be seen. Back yard, sides, or front. Last time he was in the neioghbors yard, crawled under their fence. I hollered up one side, and down the other at him. Who knows, he may show up yet! It's disheartening, because I had a little female, who passed away in January, with Feline Lukemia, she was only 5, and it broke my heart! She followed me everywhere, like she was my child. She was the joy of home, my life. Maybe at some point, I'll post a photo of both. In the meantime, I'll do one more search, and hit the sack. Still behind schedule, and the work load is getting bigger at work, as it is in my asignments. All I can do is sigh, and keep moving forward. Until tomorrow.


Monday, September 04, 2006


The previous post was for those friends who have been through a divorce, or just getting out of a
bad relationship, and it came from the author, noted on the post. It's hell going through relationships that are either physically or emotionally abusive, No One needs to go through that. And it is very hard to recover. Thank God I am single, and don't have to deal with those types of scenarios. But from time to time, I get to hear friends going through it.
My time has been busy, and will continue this way, for the next few months, as I do research,
on finding the correct niche market, to jump into. It is very time consuming, but everything that is taught through is methodical, and precise.
I'll keep everyone informed on my progress, but be aware postings may be sporadic, do to time constraints/schedule.


Saturday, September 02, 2006

A Good Article By Margot Carmichael Lester For Those with Broken Hearts

Learning to love againBy Margot Carmichael LesterYou never thought you’d have to date again, but here you are living life after divorce or the death of your partner. While you don’t want to be alone forever, you’re having a hard time believing you’ll be able to get past your loss so you can love again. And who can blame you? Yet despite the complex emotions that surround starting over, you can learn to love again. It just takes time and a little effort on your part.
Our team of experts identified common problems newly single people face and offered solutions to help you get back on the road to romance. Problem: Living in the past. “Don’t sabotage your present and future by fixating on the past,” says Paul Davis, author of the upcoming book, Breakthrough for a Broken Heart. “Stop looking for closure concerning unresolved matters and instead simply let them be. Make a decision for your present and live victoriously.” Solution: Replace anxiety with creativity. “Get back in the sandbox of life and start playing around with new ideas and concepts,” Davis says. “Challenge yourself.” Break out of your rut by doing new things, learning new sports, participating in new activities, taking up new hobbies and making new friends through bereavement and post-divorce support groups or your existing social network. “Let newness flood your life and awaken your love for self and surprises,” advises Davis. “As you do, you will attract new life and love to you.” Problem: Rushing into dating. Some newly-single people don’t like being alone, so they rush into relationships before they’re ready. Or before they’re clear on what they want and need. “Although some people can date their way through this, the vast majority of us need to take time for ourselves,” says relationship expert Hu Fleming. Solution: Look within yourself. “Focus on ‘me’ for a bit before considering ‘we’ again. When we’re comfortable with ourselves and who and what we are, we’re then again ready for the big bad dating world,” Fleming says. “In practical terms, spend time alone, spend time with friends. Do not date until you’re comfortable with yourself.” Don’t force yourself to date just because friends and family nag you to get back out there. Problem: Pressuring yourself and your dates. “Culturally, a successful relationship is one that ends with marriage or a commitment of some sort,” says Kiki Weingarten, co-founder of Daily Life Consulting. But that can create a lot of pressure to succeed, which can cause you to fail. Dating is a numbers game, and not every date can lead to a long-term relationship. Solution: Cut yourself — and your dates — some slack. “Enjoy the other person and enjoy who you are with the other person,” Weingarten notes. “If you don’t end up with that person, what new things did your time together bring to your life? What facet of yourself was discovered? What new future did you anticipate that you never had before?” You can use unsuccessful dates to help refine your viewpoint of what you definitely want to find in future dates, too. Problem: Looking for what you had. “Often, as humans, we want what is familiar,” says Douglas Weiss, executive director of Heart to Heart Counseling Center and host of the TBN show Winning@Marriage. “To love again means you will be loved differently—and you will actually love differently. To compare two loves is like comparing two cities or countries. Although there may be some similarities, there will always be something amazingly different.” Solution: Write a closing chapter about the past relationship, suggests Weiss. Write down what happened, how you felt, and what you learned. “Then write a hopeful chapter of what a new love could bring to your life. Again, talk to friends so that they can tell you if you’re doing comparison-shopping” versus taking a fresh and open look at the possibilities for future love. Moving on is hard. But following these steps will help you honor the good memories and lessons from your previous relationship—and move past what was difficult. Then you can start putting your past in perspective and begin thinking about the next exciting chapter in your romantic life. North Carolina-based freelancer Margot Carmichael Lester also writes for Go magazine and

Friday, September 01, 2006


I guess because I have good Christian viewpoints, Satan has my computer, and blogs are not permissable. I am always growing on my viewpoints, and had the opportunity to be in a conversation that caught me off guard today, and my computer is screwing up, allowing me to post it. It was in conversation at work, that started on different subject, and turned spiritual, or religious, and caught me off guard, by this person, very open, to the point conversation. I knew immediately, his faith and belief, were sincere, as we talked about life and addictions. Now if my computer would settle down, I'd finish this post! guess I'll have to try again tomorrow, bad on my end, I have 100 hours of research to do....... I think I have a virus on this thing, with a mind of its own... on another time, we'll get back to an addictions conversation, which covers a wide variety of topics, and hurts millions of individuals, their lifes, emotions, and health.
I'm back for the moment, qwest has solved the the prolem. LOL... My DSL...
At any point, this guy would be GQ, Gentelmans Quartley: Always sharpy dresses, inteligent,
friendly. So he took me off guard, when he started talking what I would say spiritual, or ministural. It was great! I love this guy, he loves the lord, as I love the lord. I am in a ministery, that loves the lord, and everyone has their own opionion. so it gives me another viewpoint. You see, their are, christains, in my viewpoint, who know what is right, but do not follow the path. I have been there. There are christians, who are only christians on Sundays.
That'a not what Jesus asked for for. Don't believe in me one day a week, follow me, believe in the truth, accept me as your savior, and I will set you free, we are all brothers and sisters.
If we could all live by this, and get along, think how great life could be! becuase we are alll brothers and sisters, in the life of Christ...... And we all need to Grow......
