Monday, July 31, 2006

Gizmo, quick get me a log to hold this Mountain up, I can't do it anymore

The roads going out through the mountains were as curvy and picturesque, as Guru here, holding up the Mountain.
Damn, what a man. Anything to help Nature out.
I forgot to mention, there was an Earthquake happening during this photo, that's why Guru stopped to hold the wall up. He never wants to see nature crumble!

Looking back - Over South Lake Tahoe

South Lake Tahoe

A Wonderful scenic, City. This was developed for the Healthy & Wealthy. And since I am just old and wise, it was good to stop in, and move on!
West Coast here we come, then northward on 101.

THE THREE G MEN, At Post. Lake Tahoe in the background

Our arrival into South Lake Tahoe, after coming off of Highway 50. Cooler temps, I think we had the heat on that night in the motel room?
Or was that just my imagination.

Guru, looking for a size 14

Shoeless Joe, hey over here, if it fits, wear it!

Somewhere west of Ely! need used shoes?

Sunset over Ely, Nevada 7/16/06

NHP Convention in Ely, Nevada

Where prostitution is legal, don't get caught outside your hotel room with a glass of port wine, and a cigarette. Guru can tell you all about it!

The Long Highway West, Damn is this lonely, or Serinity!

Damn! I need a Laptop to keep up!

We made it back in one piece, although the heat was horrendous.
Saturday the 15th, we were on our way by 6:30 am, via the back route
through the Amana’s. Who would have guessed that the fog cover
would have reduced the visibility to less than a 10th of a mile, going
through most of the Amana’s. Even with visibility being so poor, it was
a great start, rather than just jumping on the Interstate.
The day moved on well, until we got into Nebraska, the afternoon
slammed us with 105 degree temperatures. But by 6:30 PM we were
in Sidney, and booking our hotel, after our first leg of 667 miles.
Sunday the 16th we were up early and on our way to Salt Lake City, Utah.
The temperature never eased up for us, but we were able to discard our helmets,
once we crossed the Wyoming State Line. It was like three happy campers running
down the highway at 80+ mph, until we got closer to Salt Lake, and Guru’s shifting
linkage fell apart on him. Fortunately, he was able to grab it, before it fell off the bike,
and was able to stay in the only gear he had, until we got into Murray, Utah, which is a suburb of Salt Lake. We were able to do a quick fix, before we booked into the Crystal Inn, at 5:00 pm and running 544 miles for the day.
That evening, we were treated to a home cooked meal, off the grill, by Guru’s friends,
Joey and Bob. Great people, excellent food, and a good relaxing time.
Did I forget to mention that it was still hotter than hell. Damn, tomorrow is going to be worse.
Monday the 17th, it was a late start, as we had the privilege of touring the building where
Guru’s friends worked. Then it was down the road to Highway 6, which turns into
Highway 50 across Nevada. The loneliest Highway in the Country. Our destination for the
evening will be Ely, Nevada. To our surprise, everything was booked for a firefighters, &
Highway Patrol convention. We were still lucky enough to get into a super 8, glad we had that
reserverd before we left Utah.
Photos, and more post to follow.
Its hell being behind schedule, and trying to play catch up on everthing.

Friday, July 14, 2006

This Report Just In: Federal Agents on the Rise

It has been leaked out, that 3 Federal Agents will be rolling down I 80 on Saturday.
They have been commissioned by Dick, AKA Detective - Matt Cooper

Their Mission:
To detect and log, Suspicious looking Dorks - Twinkies - Yuppies, wearing Shorts,
Sandals, Tank Tops, and proclaiming to be Motorcycle Enthusiast.

In reality, these are just wanna'be idiots, who could be drunken Terrorist.
They have no realm of what safety actually is, and they have not been through Rule # 1

Rule # 1 is: There are those who have been down, and then those who are going down.

The three G-Men have been through rule # 1, and understand it's Capacity and fatality!

When I see these others mentioned, I jusst smile, and shake my head at their stupidity!
I wonder if they'll ever live through, what they have not yet experienced?
All at the price of trying to be what they think is cool.

Life goes on: Some will - Some Won't - So What -----

I'm outta here, gotta get some things done.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


The three G-Men
Were not Government agents, or Secret Service, and we were not commissioned by
Detective Matt Cooper, although you can check out his link below.

We are GURU - GIZMO - And GIMP, geared to take off this Saturday, on an
adventure & journey, across the western states, and onward. If things go well
we'll be on the road by 6:00 am, geared, and roaring down the Interstate. This will
promise to be exciting, as none of us have White Water Rafted, and it seems this
may be added to our schedule in Utah, Nevada, or California. Some where around
Reno, we'll part ways, as Guru needs to see his sister blogger in Sacramento, Since I do not have a Laptop for this trip, you'll have to keeps tabs
on what were doing, where were at, who we've met, exciting news & pitfalls, on Chris's Blog Unless he would be kind enough to be my ghost writer.
Details are yet to be determined, but I'll make a final post tomorrow night, or at 4:00 am
Saturday morning. This will be a traveling, studying, working vacation for me, I just need to
keep telling my body it can do it. I can see it now, I'll have a walking cane, for my pain, before I get back. This will make the Chiropracter happy, He has spent the last 6 weeks, and 18 visits, getting me back in what he says, is relative good shape. Seems my body still argues with him.
So I'm sure I'll have another 18 to go.
I've rambled enough, gotta pack, study, and move forward.

The adventure's of detective Matt Cooper P.I.

Harley Davidson GPS

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Were all safe now! My Harley will sleep better, & so will I

You know, I was getting worried! With all of these terrorist blowing things up in the cities, the last thing I needed was to have my bike destroyed while I was traveling through them.
But after having the Dectective read my Blog, and approve of it, I can rest, assured, that nothing
will happen to my traveling companions, myself, or our scooters, while we move through the western paciffic rim. With just a kick of a rodent, excuse me, click of a mouse, we can have Dick on our case. Hopefully he has a Garmin GPS to locate us. I forgot, he's the underground, a Dick like that, has all of the higher tech stuff, made from England.
Maybe Gizmo needs to meet Dick, for more High Tech toys.
Take a look at his site.

The adventure's of detective Matt Cooper P.I.

Gods Creation - Gods wonderful land - Don't foul It Up

This is up in the North East part of the country, either New Hampshire, or Vermont!

I feel at home traveling through areas like this. The wonderful beauty, the solitude, it's very comforting. This is more relaxing to me, than traveling through the larger cities.
DC was fun, New York was interesting, but these breath taking sceneries are priceless. And I'll have more of this, following 101 up the paciffic coast. My mind says go for it, but my body has been hurting like hell the last 6 weeks, and says no. I think you know which part has won.

AKA Grouchy - turned - AKA Guru of Love

Of course?
Chris - author of
Is actually referring to being the guru of love for
Humanity, Christianity, His brothers & sisters, and being kind to all. His love of the open road, meeting and talking
with everyone. He Has NO Predudice, just disgust for the
corrupt politicians. I think we can all aggree on that one.

He is a treat to travel with, as he brightens everyones day that he comes in contact with.

I made mention to him, that he should start a donation fund, or a lottery, on his blog. 1st place winner, would win a 7 or 14 day motorcycle trip with the author, all expenses paid.
Then there would be 2nd, 3rd, & 4th runner ups. Winner would have to have a valid motorcycle license. Donation or lottery chance would be 10 or 15 bucks. Feel free to make your comments here, or his site, after our next 14 day journey, out west. We leave this Saturday the 15th, so watch his blog, and track of our journey.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Damn! I should have Anchored the boat!

It's a good thing the sails are down, and there is no wind.
Hmmmm. No One is watching,
I'll just swim out and get it. That's the idea!


To check out Your cost on GPS, go to: Harley Davidson GPS

Portland, Maine Picture postcard


A man is flying in a hot air ballon and realizes he is lost.
He reduces his his height and spots a man down below.
He lowers the balloon further and shouts: "Excuse me,
can you tell me where I am?"
The man below says: "Yes, you're in a hot air balloon,
hovering 30 feet above this field."
" You must work in Information Technology" says the balloonist.
" I do " replies the man. " how did you know."
"Well" says the balloonist, everything you have told me is technically
correct, but it is of no use to anyone.
The man below says"You must be in upper management in some business."
"I am" says the ballonist, "but how did you know."
"Well", says the man , "you don't know where you are, or where you are going,
but you expect me to be able to help. You're in the same postion you were, before we met, but
now its my fault...
Author unknown Cute, but he should have had a GPS

Monday, July 10, 2006


In a New York Minute! Thats all it takes to get drenched, after crossing the Washington Bridge.

A surreal photo for you ( back to the future )

Actually, this is the entrance to the lower level
of the subway, to get us over to the Capital.
Trains were quick, and the subway was immaculate.
Turned out to be a great day for site seeing this
part of the History of our Country.

Washington, DC Where plans are made

left to right

Rick - Gizmo

Me - Gimp

Chris - Grouchy & Writing Author of
this photo was taken in DC, May 28th During

Sunday, July 09, 2006

East Coast Vacation - Ohio valley backdrop

This trip was taken may 26th thru the 3rd of June.
From IA, to DC, NY, Maine, Niagara-Canada side, and back home.
3300 miles in 9 days, 2 of which were site seeing.
To see more photos of that trip, along with text,
please visit and look for the east coast trip.
Chris aka-Grouchy and the author of
Myself aka-Gimp
And Rick aka-Gizmo nickname for all of the electronics he had.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Mounting Locations on your Motorcycle

I have a 2000 Road King, and a Garmin 176. For my installation, I used the hardware that came with GPS, and a Ram-mount ball, swivel arm, and a sanded down Ram Base.
Everything fits fine on my handle bar, and is adjustable to different angles, depending on whether I am riding into the sun, away from the sun, or it is high noon, with the sun beating straight down.

I have another friend who has his mounted right to his flip up leather pouch lid.'
That pouch is mounted on the inside of his windshield, on his Ultra Classic.
This gives him a great view of the GPS, and is quick for early morning set up, or late night removal.

Friday, July 07, 2006

GPS Accuracy Improves - GPS World

GPS Accuracy Improves - GPS World: "The U.S. Air Force GPS Joint Program Office � with participation by Lockheed Martin, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the Aerospace Corporation, and Applied Research Laboratories, the University of Texas at Austin � has upgraded the software processing and modeling for GPS, enhancing the Air Force�s ability to monitor GPS satellites and improve system accuracy 10-15 percent for users worldwide."
new news, for GPS users.

Welcome to Harley Davidson GPS.

Welcome to Harley Davidson GPS.

Be prepared to see new photos, of our next vacation.

And watch for updates on GPS info.

To check out Your cost on GPS, go to:
Harley Davidson GPS