Friday, July 14, 2006

This Report Just In: Federal Agents on the Rise

It has been leaked out, that 3 Federal Agents will be rolling down I 80 on Saturday.
They have been commissioned by Dick, AKA Detective - Matt Cooper

Their Mission:
To detect and log, Suspicious looking Dorks - Twinkies - Yuppies, wearing Shorts,
Sandals, Tank Tops, and proclaiming to be Motorcycle Enthusiast.

In reality, these are just wanna'be idiots, who could be drunken Terrorist.
They have no realm of what safety actually is, and they have not been through Rule # 1

Rule # 1 is: There are those who have been down, and then those who are going down.

The three G-Men have been through rule # 1, and understand it's Capacity and fatality!

When I see these others mentioned, I jusst smile, and shake my head at their stupidity!
I wonder if they'll ever live through, what they have not yet experienced?
All at the price of trying to be what they think is cool.

Life goes on: Some will - Some Won't - So What -----

I'm outta here, gotta get some things done.


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