Sunday, January 14, 2007

Way late

I know, it has been about 2 weeks since the last post, and I said I'd try and do about two a week.
Guess I was wrong, and there are no excuses, I just have not done it. I have worked alot at my regular job, cut my online time down, and slept alot, so there you have it!
Today I worked on trying to wrap up my sales copy, and dinner with my folks. It was a good time, since over the last year, other than vacations, I have alienated most folks, because of my work online. At the moment I am trying to get my focus back. Seems it got lost over two wasteless relationships, but that is another story that ( maybe) I'll post later.
I've yet to get the E-book written, and I need to finish writing bonuses for the sales copy.
I need a miracle to have it done by the end of the month, so I am pushing! And although I have my tax papers pulled out, I need to get them reorganized for the accountant, before I drop them off next month. Here is where I need another miracle, I need a big return, to offset the 16 grand in expenditures spent for the business, we'll see what happens. At least being single, with no children, that's the only expense other than my mortgage. Still sucks being in the hole!!!!!!
Till the next post, I'll keep on smiling :)


Monday, January 01, 2007


So, Happy New Year to all. It was rather uneventfull for me, I was in bed by 10:00 pm last night, and in bed most of the day trying to get over these colds/Flu that have daunted me for the last several months. December ended up being a Slow/No progress month for me, for the
side business that I am trying to get off the ground. In November we went through a restructuring/downsizing, and Dec. 1st our service dept. decided to reorganize, and change their floor plans. So that has been where my focus and tasks have been, work and sleep. Even though Dec. was so hectic, and took most of my time, I'm happy to say that I should have that project wrapped up tomorrow, and things should be back to normal. Least wise, giving me my free time back to focus the sales copy, and Ebook. The bummer is I wanted all that done by Jan 1st, so it's time to get back on the fast track, and kick ass. So, stay in tune, I'll post about 3 times a week...


Monday, December 25, 2006


I know it's a long over due late post! I've had opportunities with my PC, and since at the moment it seems to be running, and let me on, I wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and a safe and prosperous new year.
I will be going into the new year busier than ever, and may only post a few times a week.
Then again, it depends on this damn PC, and the opportunities it gives me. With all of the componets I have added, I should have bitten the bullet and bought a new one. I'll just have to see how things go. Have a very safe Holiday folks, enjoy this special time with your family and friends. Until the next post.....


Monday, December 18, 2006

This Sucks - Going back and Forth 4 logins

I switched to the new format weeks ago, and still need to go back and forth for logins, it sucks! but that is why they call it Beta format! still being worked out!
I spent hours yesterday, going through Front page Tutorial, this will be an ongoing learning process. This morning, I was up at 6, and online, learning! By 9, I was at the post office, the bank, and to the Chiropractor for an app. By 10:00, I had the hot tub tore apart, the capacitor pulled out, and was on the way to pick up a new one...... Non productive day!!! So Far!! Had the hot up repaired and running again by 2, and back online studying, what a day of vacation!
Yet I always move forward... It's early, now I am going to move forward to bed, I have to work tomorrow, and my plate is still overflowing...... till the next one, be here, there, or anywhere, I am always in the same spot, just moving forward! 1 centimeter at a time...... night


Sunday, December 17, 2006


It has been a while! I can walk and chew gum at the same time, but my plate has been full.
That is no excuse for not posting, but I am overwhelmed at learning, tutorials, regular job, and daily task. Like working a full time job, and going to college full time, it's like where do I best delegate what little free time I have! So I apoligize up front, that learning has taken a greater response of my time, than doing a post! Guess I should have spent more time learning more at a younger age! Let that be a lesson to you younger folks. You can still teach an old dog new tricks, were just, or I am just slower at learning. That being said, it has been a long day at the tutorials, and I am hitting the sack. I will try and do a post, at least twice a week, and let you know where I am at! And at the moment I'm swamped, without seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.....


Saturday, December 09, 2006

What a Day

The first thing this morning, I checked my hot tub and noticed it was down to 75 degrees.
What a way to screw up my day, and my schedule, this is something I cannot leave unattended.
The blower motor works, but not the pump for the jets, which has a safety, so if it is not working, it won't heat the the tub. After calling the outfit I bought the tub from 5 years ago, he said a new pump motor would run $415.00, but suggested I try to manually turn the shaft to get it started. Damn if that did not get the pump motor running, so I sprayed some lubricant on the shaft hoping my problem was done. In the mean time, I ran to staples to pick up a new DVD drive for my computer, which was shot, then went and picked up chemicals for the hot tub, so far it is a $130.00 day. I got back home, and the tub seemed to be fine for the time, so I dug into a few tutotials on the Adobe software I had loaded. I never got around to doing hte other video tutorials on climbing, and at the momnent, it seems the pump motor went to hell again.
Now I get to baby sit a tub, so it wont freeze, and Monday look at replacing a capacitor, or motor. Money keeps going out, not enough in, and I still have Christmas to deal with. Time to hit the Bank, for another Loan.


Friday, December 08, 2006

Fridays Blahs Aren't gone

Most of my software came in today, and most are loaded. Priemere 3.0 would not load from photo shop, because my internal DVD drive is shot. So, tomorrow, aside from getting other video's done, if it pans out, seems I need to pick up another drive unit. Damn, this spending, and making no money is nuts! All in the form of business, and moving forward! Guess my next move is setting up a donation form. LOL, just kidding! I'll keep plugging away, better than those that procrastinate, or spend their free time & money in the bars.
